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Books by Heather L Nelson

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Books by Heather L Nelson

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FIRST SUMMER WITH HORSES, a book for teens/preteens by Heather L Nelson. Two city-bred, horse-crazy girls whose chance meeting influences the course of their lives. They grow up and subtly learn to accept responsibilities while pursuing their dreams. This story of perseverance, determination, and devotion during the growing up years is an engaging and timeless story for horse-loving people of all ages.

Heather L Nelson is the author of five other books, also.

Contact Name Books by Heather L Nelson
Mailing Address PO Box 449, Welches, OR 97067
Office Phone 503-622-5297
Cell Phone 503-407-9241
Website http://www.animalstoriesforchildren.weebly.com
Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/heather.nelson.9250595
Linkedin Link https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-nelson-07a49867
Amazon Link
Education and/or Accreditation

Heather L Nelson's career was in the health care industry. She always considered herself a children's story teller. She began writing down her stories for her grandchildren, but never dreamed of publishing them. She how has five published books, another due out soon and one more by end of 2016.

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