Oregon Equestrian Trails

Date:May 9, 2016 6:51 am

Oregon Equestrian Trails is made up of many individuals from all over the state who share a common love of horses and trail riding, and who want to see Oregon remain a place where trail riders are welcome.

As land-use pressures increase, equestrians may find they are no longer welcome to share trails, campgrounds, or other areas with non-equestrian users. OET's officers work to engage interested parties in meaningful dialogue, making sure that the concerns of equestrians are voiced to lawmakers, land use planners, and the media. To further create a receptive community atmosphere, OET's members work to ensure that equestrians are viewed as helpful and considerate trail users.


  • Builds horse camps and trails in Oregon.
  • Maintains communication with local, state and federal land management agencies, to ensure equestrian access.
  • Promotes education of equestrians and other user groups in the use of Leave No Trace ethics, outdoor ethics, and campground and trail etiquette.
  • Links equestrians together by relating news that impacts all Oregon equestrian trail users.
Contact Name Diane Berry
Office Phone 503-791-3066
Cell Phone 502-791-3066
Website http://www.oregonequestriantrails.org
Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/Lower-Columbia-HorseFest-1767243103504958/
