Walla Walla Community College

Walla Walla
Walla Walla Community College

Walla Walla Community College

Farrier Science prepares students as professional, trained farriers able to work on most types of horses. A combination of classroom and lab coursework focuses on equine anatomy as it pertains to farrier science, conformation fault analysis, disease, leg and hoof lameness and corresponding therapeutic measures. Upon program completion the farrier will have gained sufficient knowledge of the anatomy of the horse’s leg and the practiced experience to retain true gaits of horses, improve or correct faulty gaits, alleviate disorders of the feet, and provide relief for the injured limb or hoof.

Techniques are practiced on local, privately owned horses, providing students the chance to work with horse owners in a business setting.

The Farrier Science curriculum complies with standards set by the American Farriers’ Association and is reviewed by an advisory board composed of local and regional industry members.

Walla Walla Community College’s Farrier Science program trains students to become professional, prepared farriers with the knowledge and skills necessary to work on many types of horses.


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