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5 Reasons to Embrace Print Magazines for Your Advertising Needs

The Northwest Horse Source by Karen Pickering – December 2015

Yes, it is still an important part of any marketing plan!

It is difficult to decide where to invest money when it comes to getting the word out about your horse-related business. The choices are overwhelming and you want a good return on investment. Let’s face it, advertising is expensive; especially if there’s little or no return after the money has been spent. It helps to understand the value of print advertising, and also how to get the most out of it.Kid_reading_NWHS-500x425

The Internet has provided us with an instant, seemingly inexpensive way to market. Many have received results from the free advertising that’s available today. Resources such as Craigslist, Facebook, Twitter, and many other free or inexpensive tools have helped many businesses with little or no budget to gain some traction in the marketplace. But, is it really free? If it is, then why consider print advertising?

Here are 5 reasons to embrace print advertising:

1) Credibility: It creates a “halo effect.” This means a publication that consistently delivers high quality, relevant content will develop credibility with their readers inspiring them to think more highly of the advertisers in the magazine. Consumers trust the printed page.

2) Engagement: What makes print ads valuable is the nearly undivided attention that readers give to magazine content, rather than the multitasking they do while consuming digital content. Simply put, its more effective to reach people when you have their undivided attention!

3) Performance: Print actually provokes people to read it. If you have time to read the magazine then you’re more likely to engage with the ads. Print ads inspire you to look at them longer. Magazine advertising has proven effectiveness in increasing the intent to purchase. According to a study conducted by Dynamic Logic in 2012 the total increase in purchase consideration/intent for a variety of products showed the following results: TV 30% of the increase, online 13% increase and magazines represented a 56% increase. Magazines blew the other two media away in driving positive shifts in intention to buy.

4) Permanence: TV and Internet ads flash before your eyes then disappear. Print ads stay on the page while you’re reading Read More


Check out the The Northwest Horse Source magazine and website to see how they can assist you in your equine business!

June 26, 2016
